Swim with incredibly fine technique

Swim Swift News:

Last update: 10 June 2024


Our children’s courses starting after summer break are now available to book online!

Enrol your child in one of our interactive, creative courses to gain swimming experience, indepence and confidence in and out of the water!

We look forward to welcoming back our little swift swimmers as well as newcomers!

Swim Swift

Your Personal Swimming School in Zurich
At Swim Swift, we believe that swimming should be a joyful and enjoyable experience for swimmers of all ages. Our private pools and small group sizes allow us to provide personalized and safe instruction, using innovative and effective teaching methods. Each of our courses offers an interactive and engaging opportunity for individuals to learn efficient swimming techniques and improve their skills.
Our certified and experienced instructors are dedicated to helping each swimmer reach their full potential, whether they are just starting out or looking to refine their strokes. We offer a variety of course options to meet the needs of every swimmer, including beginner’s classes, refinement sessions, and workshops. We also strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for swimmers of all abilities and backgrounds. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a nervous beginner, we are here to support you every step of the way.